• Nobody Does it Safer
    Nobody Does it Safer
Manufactured and assembled in-house
Fully bespoke service available
Safety without compromise
Wheelchair Restraints
Wheelchair Restraints
Rails & Bonded Floors
Rails & Bonded Floors
Wheelchair Winches
Wheelchair Winches
Load Securement
Load Securement
Travel Aid Components
Travel Aid Components
Restraint Accessories
Restraint Accessories
Removable Seat Fixings
Removable Seat Fixings

Product Highlights

KFP0114 £918.00
£765.00 EXCL VAT
Rail Cover Strip (per metre)
KFP0054 £3.38
£2.82 EXCL VAT

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It's That Easy!

Watch as one of our team effortlessly setup one of our wheelchair restraint systems, showing you step by step how simple it can be.

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